PPC Consultancy

Dedicated SEO Strategies

I-AM-SEO: Your Trusted PPC Consultant in London

Fed Up with Confusing Pay-Per-Click Advertising?

Let’s get one thing straight – navigating the world of pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is enough to leave you tearing your hair out if you don’t know what you’re doing. From researching the perfect keywords to crafting ads that actually reel buyers in, setting bids at effective levels, and making sense of all those analytics reports…it’s an absolute minefield that can easily sink your marketing budget.

That’s where working with a specialised, results-driven PPC consultant like myself at I-AM-SEO can be a total game-changer. As an experienced PPC veteran based right here in London, I live and breathe this complex stuff day in, and day out. Bringing genuine professional expertise on board is often the make-or-break difference between flushing your ad spend down the drain and smashing your marketing goals out of the park.

Expert PPC Consultancy Services

Why Winging It with PPC Is a Recipe for Failure

Let’s face it – running high-impact, cost-effective paid advertising campaigns requires a very specialised skillset that many self-proclaimed “experts” and “gurus” simply don’t possess. Here’s a quick glimpse at why having a battle-tested PPC specialist in your corner is worth every penny:

  • Laser-focused targeting to eliminate wasted impressions and clicks
  • Compelling, conversion-focused ad copywriting tailored for maximum quality scores
  • Deep mastery of ever-evolving ad platforms like Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising
  • Continuous campaign refinement and pivoting as audience behaviour shifts
  • Clear, actionable monthly reporting to measure performance and double down on wins

With new features and algorithm updates hitting the digital ad ecosystem every week, it’s virtually impossible to develop true PPC mastery through online courses, YouTube videos, or guesswork alone. You need a living, breathing expert who quite literally eats, sleeps and breathes paid traffic domination.

My Comprehensive London PPC Campaign Solutions

When you partner with me at I-AM-SEO, you’re not just hiring another lone PPC freelancer or jack-of-all-trades marketer. Instead, you’re tapping into a true extension of your marketing team with comprehensive, full-cycle expertise. My services include:

  • Extensive audience research and competition analysis to identify prime opportunities
  • Meticulous setup and management of Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and other platforms
  • Compelling, conversion-optimised ad copy and creative rooted in consumer psychology
  • Intelligent campaign architecture spanning search, display, video, shopping ads, and more
  • Highly converting, goal-focused landing page design and A/B testing
  • Continual bid optimisation, budget balancing, and granular audience refinements
  • Detailed monthly reporting highlighting key metrics, wins, and areas to double down

I’ve partnered with companies of all sizes across virtually every sector, from fresh e-commerce startups and established B2B brands to local service providers, lead generation wizards, and beyond. Regardless of your business, my nuanced blend of technical PPC expertise and creative strategy is meticulously designed to move the needle.

Your Straight-Talking, Results-Driven PPC Consultant in London

Here’s the thing – I have absolutely zero interest in taking you for a ride with overhyped promises or confusing technical jargon. I’m a straight-talking, results-driven professional solely dedicated to generating measurable wins for your business through intelligent PPC advertising.

No fluff, no gimmicks, no second-guessing. Just transparent expertise honed over years in the trenches and a relentless obsession with maximising your return on ad spend.

If you’re ready to hand your paid marketing over to a battle-tested PPC specialist committed to your long-term growth and success, I’m all ears. Drop me a line today and I’ll be happy to discuss your goals and lay out a roadmap for sustainable, profitable PPC greatness.

Invest in SEO for long-term success: Research indicates that businesses make $2 in revenue for every $1 spent on SEO.

Experienced SEO Consultant

Digital Marketing Services

Kick things off with a full audit of your website's search performance. I'll check rankings, traffic sources, and how you compare to rivals. Highlights areas for improving visibility.

Earning quality backlinks is key for SEO. I'll develop a tailored strategy to naturally boost your authority and rankings over time. An essential part of the process.

PPC ads drive targeted leads and sales. As your consultant, I'll optimise campaigns for maximum return on your ad spend.

Looking to attract more local customers? My local SEO services will increase visibility in areas your products/services are in demand.

Expanding into new markets? I'll make your business visible worldwide through localised international SEO strategies.

Nearly half of shoppers start on search engines. Let's ensure your products are prominent for those high-intent queries.

Been hit by a Google update like Penguin or Panda? Don't worry, recovery is often possible with the right SEO approach.

Quality, engaging content builds trust and authority. My services produce relevant material to attract your audience and drive sales.

I-Am-Seo Logo

SEO Focused on Rankings, Traffic, & Revenue

8 Reasons To Choose Our SEO Services

Best SEO Practices

Website Optimisation

High Quality Back-Links

Many Years of Experience in Search Engine Field

More Revenue For Your Business

No Mistakes & Google Penalties

Regular Market Analysis & Reports

Stay Ahead of Online Marketing Trends

97% of consumers search for local businesses online!